When’s The Best Time To Trim Palm Trees?

Nothing says warm weather paradise like tall, green palm trees. Keeping these Vegas favorites looking their best takes careful care. It’s easy to spot a neglected tree – there’s almost more brown there than green! So how do you know when to trim your palms and when’s the best time of year to call in a tree trimming company?

Signs You Need To Trim Your Palms

Brown, drooping palm fronds aren’t just unattractive — they’re dead. I’s natural for the oldest fronds to die off and for new ones to form every year. The longer these dead areas are left hanging, the easier it becomes for them to detach and fall to the ground.

No home or business owner wants damaged property, injured visitors, or a mess on or off their palms. Time to trim? Call in the pros.

  • You see many brown fronds that are hanging down.
  • You are finding pieces of tree litter in your yard around the palm.
  • Your HOA has sent you a violation notice.

Seasonal Pruning

If you schedule trimming too early in spring, you might only be able to remove the dead fronds. Some palm flowers and berries grow rapidly after the weather begins to warm up later in spring. Those berries will eventually fall to the ground creating an additional mess.

If you have your trees trimmed after the weather has warmed up, you can remove not just the dead fronds, but also some flower stalks and fruit. Late spring and early summer are the best time for a trim and for reducing future falling debris.

When Not To Prune Palm Trees

Although dead fronds are unsightly, it’s best not to remove them in the hottest part of summer or the middle of a winter cold snap. During those times of the year, drooping fronds can help insulate the trunk against intense summer heat and extreme winter cold.

Professional Trimming Is Your Safest Bet

Gambling may be what Las Vegas is known for, but trying to save money by trimming your trees can be a very risky bet. A professional landscaper will know how and when to take care of your palm pruning. You can forget the hassle and protect yourself from unnecessary safety risks.

  • Trimming tall trees is dangerous. Palm trimming professionals have all the necessary safety equipment and training.
  • Professional tree trimmers will be able to spot pests and diseases that could be damaging your trees.
  • Tree trimming is dirty work.
  • Amateurs tend to over-prune. Landscapers familiar with arbor care know how to remove only those dead fronds that are no longer providing nourishment to the tree.

Keep Your Las Vegas Palm Trees Looking Great

Proper trimming and care keep your residential or commercial landscape healthy and beautiful. Make sure your local landscaping company is familiar with the trees in your area. We plant, trim, and skin all types of Las Vegas palms.

  • Mexican & California Fan Palms
  • Queen Palms
  • Canary Palms
  • Date Palms
  • Mediterranean Palms

Schedule Las Vegas Palm Trimming

Contact Green America Tree & Landscaping today to schedule your palm tree pruning. We offer regular maintenance plans to meet your commercial or residential landscaping needs. We look forward to keeping your yard looking great year-round.

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