We Are Green America
Green America Tree & Landscaping offers high-quality, professional care, installation, and design for your commercial or residential outdoor space. We take a modern approach, incorporating smart water design and hardscape elements to craft unique looks for each customer.
Our fully licensed, professional landscapers are knowledgeable in all aspects of lawn and tree care. We keep your commercial property looking beautiful, your irrigation systems functioning, and your trees carefully trimmed.
From regular maintenance outside shopping centers, apartment complexes, and businesses to designing drought-resistant plans for your space, we know what works for businesses and residents in the Vegas Valley. Contact us today to schedule your free estimate!
Landscaping Awards
With so many years of experience in the business, our company is your source for the highest quality landscaping service.
Our Trusted Landscaping Partners
We have a continued partnership with these amazing vendors, providing you with quality products. From large projects to little maintenance jobs, we bring the best in equipment and materials to you.