We offer tree planting services in Las Vegas and Henderson for homes and businesses. Trees are necessary to provide dimension and greenery, they offer shade, and they also add a layer of beauty to your landscape.
If trees are planted wrong or if they are not properly maintained – over the years they tend to cause property damage, get sick, or die. When this happens, trees go from being a beautiful thing to look at, to an eyesore that lowers property value. This is where we come in. We know what trees will survive and thrive with proper sunlight and soil.
We offer professional tree planting for deciduous and coniferous trees. Palm trees, fruit trees, or pine trees – we can recommend the best fit for your lighting and soil conditions.
Expert Tree Planting Saves Time
Why spend hours researching, preparing the soil, and doing back-busting labor to possibly end up planting your trees where they won’t thrive? We have the proper tools and training to ensure each tree is planted with optimal spacing and lighting for the species. Our prices are affordable and competitive in the Las Vegas Valley.
If you have selected mature trees, we have the team size and specialized vehicles to transport larger trees safely to their new home. Young trees require specific conditions: lighting, soil, watering. We know the climate in the desert can be unforgiving, so let us recommend the best fit.
- Palm Trees (Fan Palms, Pineapple Palm / Canary Island Date Palms, Date Palms, Sago, Majesty, Piru Queen, Mediterranean, Pindo, etc.)
- Desert Trees (Maple, Elm, Ash, Tipu, Mesquite, Ironwood, Vitex, Desert Willow, Palo Verde, Acacia, Sumac, etc.)
- Evergreen Trees (Laurel, Holly, Oak, Cypress, Camphor, Privet, Elm, Ash, etc.)
- Flowering Trees (Magnolia, Crape Myrtle, Tipu, Jacaranda, Thevetia, Oleander, Vitex, Eastern Redbud, etc.)
- Citrus & Fruit Trees (Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Pomegranate, Grapefruit, Peach, Apricot, Plum, Pear, etc.)
- Hedges (Carolina Cherry, Privet, Holly, Cypress, Myrtle, Bamboo, Oleander, Juniper, etc.)
Let Us Take Care Of Tree Maintenance
After your new trees are planted, we need you to observe the trees to ensure they are looking healthy. We may need to return to make sure they are happy and rooting properly. As time goes on it will be important to have us return to adjust watering schedules and to trim and maintain the appearance of the tree. We don’t want you to end up with a problem tree!
In addition, we also provide tree removal. Let us plant, trim, sculpt, and maintain your palms, pines, and other landscaping for a fresh look from January to December.
Give Your Southern Nevada Some Greenery
At Green America Tree & Landscaping, we want you to be completely satisfied and love helping you get the look you love. Are you located in Las Vegas, Henderson, Anthem, Green Valley or Summerlin? Contact us to make an appointment today.
What Makes Us Experts
We have been doing this work for quite some time. Our staff is trained to the highest level and always strives to provide you with the best possible service. Your satisfaction is our priority. Never feel like you are being left in the dark by your Las Vegas landscaping company again. We ensure that you get the best help for your lawn and tree care needs, each and every time. When you count on Green America Tree & Landscaping, you don’t have to worry about your landscaping being damaged or looking unmaintained ever again.